Guidelines, Rules and Regulations, Terms and Conditions

Perth Hills Events Pty Ltd 2023

To apply to be a part of Perth Hills Events, please complete the vendor application form online for our events..

Our night markets (Cannington 2023) are for both handmade and imported product stalls, MLM, community and NFP groups to be involved.

Our Artisan (Perth Hills Artisan Markets, Joondalup Artisan Markets, Cannington Artisan Market, Railway Square Artisan Markets, Out of The Woods) markets are only for handmade, gourmet, winery and distilleries and NFP groups to attend.

The Hills Fabric and Craft De-Stash events are for those destashing sewing and craft items, not finished products.

The Perth Sewing and Craft Extravaganza events are all about the sewing and craft stores that operate in WA, the workshops that can help us learn new skills in the sewing and craft world, and NFP groups that fit in this criteria - no selling goods unless deemed appropriate.

Our Gourmet markets (Gourmet in The Park) are for food, wine, distilleries, juices, oils, spices, foods and rubs, along with handmade wooden and pottery items that we eat from and the treats for our fur loving companions (dogs/cats). Fabulous food trucks and amazing buskers.


1. Please read this document which becomes a part of your agreement with Perth Hills Events Pty Ltd.

2. Complete the online application form on the website/social media or the EOI that is out. It is essential you select all the dates you wish to attend and attach public liability insurance 

3. Full fees up front and no refund within 28 days of an event, 50% before 28 days.

4. Event bump-in and maps will be sent out via email a week  before each however are subject to change on the day of the event. 


It is a requirement that you possess a food licence from the applicable shire/city to operate at our events. Once your application has been approved, we will contact you about selling your food and/or drink at the event. 

Vendors who hold a licence to operate elsewhere with the City/Shire may be exempt from completing another food licence application. 

PHE is committed to sustainable environmental measures for all events therefore all Food or Drink service stalls are required to use the GO2CUPs bowls, plates, cutlery, service items to serve from. Kate from GO2CUPs will be in contact a week before to find out your needs. We are aiming for zero waste at our events.


Please see select event info upon application.

Only vendors selected to participate in one of more events will be invoiced or pre-invoiced on the application form.. 

Where you have been selected and invoiced, full fee will be due upfront, 50% refund before 28 days of event, after 28 days no refund.

A double booking fee (25%) applies to those that cancel due to attending another event.

If you decline your offer of a stall, no fee will apply. 

All fees are plus GST.

As of April 1st 2020, any order, legislative or otherwise where a State or Federal emergency is declared (ie Pandemic lockdown) and we are ordered to cancel by a government order No Refund are permissible, wherever possible the EVENT will be 

POSTPONED and all paid content will be offered their retained paid placement at the next event.


MINIs are our under 16 young entrepreneurs.

Parental/guardian registered business/individual, parental/guardian responsibility for insurance, parents/guardians must remain on site at all times to supervise their child's stall.


It is the responsibility of the vendor to trade in accordance with any applicable Federal, State and Local Government laws and regulations, specifically those that are related to the Food Act 2008. 

Environment Health Officers will inspect food vendors at the event. Food vendors unable to meet the minimum health and safety requirements for trading in public places or for selling food from temporary food premises will not be permitted unless and until the required improvements are made to the satisfaction of the Health Officer.


All electrical equipment must be tagged in accordance with the requirements of AS 3760-2000. Electrical cords/leads should not cross public access ways and must be carefully secured. Any cords/leads that could cause a trip hazard will be remedied. A qualified electrician may be onsite prior to the commencement of the Event to inspect electrical installations and advise the Event Organiser of any breaches. The electrician is not for use by vendors and any cost for services required by the electrician due to breaches of this clause will be passed onto the relevant vendor. 


  • All electrical leads and appliances must be tagged by a certified electrician in accordance with AS 3760-2000 “In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment’ 

  • In the case of this event and as requirement of our event permit issued by the City of Canning or Shire of Mundaring; all electrical appliances and leads need to be regularly tested (every 6 months minimum) with the current tag attached 

  • All electrical equipment, things and materials are subject to inspection by the event electrician 

  • Any electrical equipment without a compliance tag will be tested and tagged at the vendor’s expense. If any electrical equipment is deemed to be not safe for use by the Event electrician, the equipment shall be removed from site at the expense of the vendor 

  • All electrical malfunctions and power loss must reported to theEvent Organiser Gas/Electrical Equipment and Fire Safety 

  • Any vendor cooking with or using electricity or gas equipment is required to have a fire blanket and an annually tagged fire extinguisher– 4.5kg BE dry chemical 

  • All extinguishers must be hung a maximum of 1.2m from the ground with the base at  least 100 mm from the ground 

  • It is the responsibility of the vendor to ensure they know how the extinguisher is operated 

  • No gas appliances are to be used on site without the express approval of the Event Organiser 

  • It is the responsibility of the vendor to regularly check all gas boles and equipment attached to gas boles to ensure hoses and attachments are not faulty and that boles are in date and compliant 

  • The event organisers will adhere to total fire ban rules and regulations 

  • The Event Organiser will monitor the fire ban declaration and inform stallholders carrying out an activity that causes or is likely to cause a fire as per DFES website :// . . . . / #all control measures to be implemented to ensure the Event is fire safe. This includes asking a stallholder not to send a Market if they feel their activity is not deemed fire safe 

  • Any fees paid will be refunded if a stallholder is unable to send due the Fire Ban declaration

Sale of Food and Products

 Food vendors are required to conform to minimum safety standards. All food vendors must hold a valid temporary food licence registered with the City of Canning, Shire of Mundaring,City of Joondalup, City of Perth or Rockingham City Council, or relevant shire that event is held. This must be displayed at your site for the duration of the event. Vendors are not permitted to supply or sell alcohol at the Event without prior written approval from the Event Organiser. 

Accidents, Incidents and Risk Management

It is the responsibility of each vendor to promptly report any incidents to the Market Manager. This includes: 

  • Property damage 

  • Illness, accident or injury 

  • Anti-social behaviour 

  • Lost children 

  • Any observed disruptive behaviour 

  • Any other issues raising concern for the health, safety, or security of vendors or the public 


Vendors are required to maintain a reasonable level of personal safety and security. Perth Hills Events PTY LTD and the Market Manager will not be liable for the, damage, and loss of cash, personal items or any other goods including the loss or damage as a result of onsite power failure. 



Return of the signed terms and conditions and payment of the stall fees constitutes agreement by the vendor to attend the event on the agreed dates. If unable to trade, vendors must notify the Market Manager a minimum of 28 days  prior to the event, a 50% refund applied if notified prior to 28 days and; at the Market Managers discretion, vendor fees may be carried over to the next applicable event date

All vendors must trade for the full duration of the event. If  you sell out of food or stock, your structure must stay erect until the end of the event. Only in the case of an emergency and at the Market Manager discretion are you able to pack up your stall and leave early.


  • All Infrastructure requirements and catering equipment necessary for trade must be provided by the vendor 

  • All Infrastructure must be stable and firmly secured to avoid possible risk of injury

  • All Infrastructure and equipment is set up and maintained in an appropriately safe and secure manner 

  • Vendors installing marquees will be required to comply with safety standards and have an assessment of structural sufficiency for their structure

  • Marquees are not permitted for indoor events unless prior approval by the Market Manager 

  • All marquees are to be secured by weights. Spikes are not to be used 

  • Vendors must confine their equipment, displays and signs to their designated site area 

  • All pathways and thoroughfares are to be kept clear 

  • The Market Manager has the right to reject a vendor’s involvement in any event due to their site being unsafe 

  • All signage must be directly related to the products being sold or promoted as outlined in the vendor’s application 

Site Location 

The event locations will be set out on the website. Successful applicants will be advised of their site positioning after payment of fees is received and final site plans are completed before each market. Vendors must advise the Market Manager of the required site size when submitting their application as there may be different stall fees for different size.  Upgrades to sizing or location may be available closer to the market date, at the Market Managers discretion.

Vendors with genuine and logistical reasons for requesting a particular location may contact the Market Manager to discuss this request; however, there is no guarantee of the preferred position being allocated. Site areas will not be perfectly to scale on site maps and Vendors may be relocated at any time and for any reason as required by the Market Manager. 

Sub-letting and Assignment 

Vendors are not permitted to share, sublease or assign a site to another person without the prior permission approval of the Market Manager. 

Supervision of Sites 

Vendor’s areas must be supervised for the entire duration of the event. We have a lot of volunteers who help us with this process and they are at all times acting on the authority of the Market Manager.

Power Access

Access to electrical power outlets may be available at some events. Vendors must notify on their application forms the specific power requirements when applying. Vendors must supply their own power boards and extensions leads, tested, and tagged in accordance with Clause 1.3.

Stall Holders will be responsible for their own lighting; it is suggested to be battery operated lighting.

Public Address Systems and Spruiking

Loud and amplified product promotion by vendors is not permitted. Spruiking  at stalls should be kept to a minimum and unless through prior agreement with the Market Manager, stalls are not permitted to trade outside of the designated stall area, for example the stall holders may not approach customers outside of their immediate stall area with samples of food or beverage products.

Disposal of Rubbish

Event bins will be placed in the event area. These bins are NOT for use by the vendor stallholders for stock waste. It is your responsibility to dispose of or remove any rubbish and ensure that the site area is kept clean and dry. Large boxes and packaging are not to be disposed of onsite. Vendors are responsible for removing these items. Failure to do so and you are found to have illegally dumped waste material will result in suspension of future trading in our market. 


Raffle tickets may not be sold, nor competitions run at the event unless approved by the Market Manager and appropriate permits are obtained.

Public and Product Liability 

It is a requirement that each vendor possesses public and/or product liability to trade at the event. A policy cover of a minimum liability of $10 million ($20 million food) will be required. A certificate of currency will need to be attached with your application before approval can be granted to trade at our events.

Traffic Management

 Vendors are required to comply with all requests and instructions by the Market Management, or their representatives regarding traffic management. 

Vehicle Access 

  • There will be a bump in time slot assigned for vendors who require to drive in their stall location, alternatively those who can trolley their stall in, can set up anytime within the bump in period 

  • All vehicles to restrict speed to a crawl within the event area with hazard lights on.

  • Vehicles must have hazard lights on whilst driving through the event area. 

  • No vehicles–except emergency vehicles are permitted to move through the event area during the event hours of operation 

  • If you are late, you will be permitted to wheel in your stall, providing contact has been established with the Event Organiser notifying them of your late arrival.


Successful vendors will be emailed a detailed bump in/out instruction closer to the Event date. Please note, that there are no storage facilities pre or post event and you are responsible for the delivery and removal of any equipment etc. from the Event location. Bump in times are strict so please ensure you only arrive at the allocated times as early access to the venue is unlikely to be granted.  Our volunteer helpers will check you in and manage the traffic flow so please listen and work with them to make the process flow for everyone.. 


Vendors must not commence packing up until the advertised closing time. Should this change; each vendor will be notified of the amended time. Vendors will be notified of the designated parking closer to the event. 

Please Note vendors parking in bays close to the event only serve to deter potential customers. Bump out time may vary depending on site, please check paperwork sent out before each event.


The vendor consents to the Market Manager using any photographs submitted as part of the vendors’ application to promote the Event. The vendor also consents to photographs being taken during the Event-by event staff and representatives to be used to promote the Event and for future Events via Instagram and Facebook.       


Although the Event is committed to a successful promotion and delivery, The Market Manager takes no responsibility for the level of sales each vendor makes, however if your sales are not as expected, please ensure you let us know in the post event feedback so we can review and work with you to increase your sales. 


The Market Manager reserves the right to cancel the approval of any vendor without refund/or ban the vendor from participation in future events if it determines that the vendor has breached any of the Terms and Conditions outlined in this document or commits an offence. 


The Market Manager reserves the right to cancel the Event should minimum vendor numbers not be reached prior to the event. In the event of cancellation under this clause, event stallholder fees will be refunded but excludes any shire/city permits.


Any indoor events we run have a no hot food policy in play for eating on site/inside as per the venue hire agreements.We have been lax about this in the past but the cost of cleaning post event has increased dramatically that from November 2022 this clause will now be enforced.

Due to growing cleaning expenses from stalls spillage of products we have decided to put in place a $20 bond, this is refundable provided your stall area is clean and no additional costs have been charged by the venue due to spillage. 

 If costs are charged or the area is not clean we reserve the right to keep the bond up to the value of costs incurred or time undertaken to clean the post market.


Due to growing cleaning fees, a bond now applies to all sellers at PHAM, food/drink/art/craft. This is refundable.

To avoid the loss of your bond, we strongly recommend that you utilise appropriate, non-trip hazard mats and/or rugs for food spillages as part of your stall setup.


The event will trade in the event of rain. Vendors will be responsible for ensuring their site is prepared for such conditions. The Market Manager reserves the right to cancel the Event if severe weather conditions are predicted. 


No Internet service or Wi-Fi will be provided at the event.  All events will have mobile phone signal for use of payment devices.  If you have any issues with your payment devices on the day, please let the Market Manager know and we will endeavour to assist with the technology.


Please be courteous to other stallholders, buyers, and traders, staff on the day/night of the events, failure to do so will result in suspension of your stall. 
We do not want any bullying of any form, online, behind others backs and any not so nice behaviour will not be tolerated and will cause your spot to be revoked. 

We aim for a fabulous day/evening of getting together and letting the general public find out more about what you all do.  

If you have issues with another vendor please discuss with the Market Manager so that the situation is not escalated and the Market Manager can review to see if terms and conditions have been breached by any parties.  


There are toilet facilities available at all event sites and the event organiser has extra consumables so please alert a volunteer helper if there are any toilet supplies or cleanliness issues on the day.


Please add the event to your social media and the “you will find me at” post a few days before the event.  We have developed a social media guide to help you with promotion and tagging of the events, please see the guide sent with your acceptance email.


Please ensure that you place all valuables out of sight of patrons. The “Perth Hills Events” take no responsibility for either theft of personal items or that from your stall or person.


Should you require assistance due to a medical emergency, electrical, structural or behavioural problem please contact Fleur Adams on 0410 204 693 


These terms and conditions are subject to amendments throughout the year and are available on our website,  as links in our emails when applications are accepted and in the bump in emails.  It is the vendors responsibility to regularly review the terms and conditions prior to the event.

Failure to comply with these conditions may result in exclusion from future events.

Please sign this page as acceptance of the terms and conditions


Signing up for our monthly newsletter is recommended to stay in the loop. Please click on the link in your thank you email from your submitted application to any of our events.